The California Community College Chancellor’s Office has determined that all California community college employees are mandated reporters of child abuse. If you reasonably suspect a child is suffering abuse, you are required to report the abuse to law enforcement and/or Child Protective Services.


When Reporting Is Required

Whenever aemployeein his/her professionacapacitor within the scope of his/heemployment, has knowledgof or observes a child (i.e., a person under the age of 18 years) whom the employee knows, or reasonably suspects, to have been the victim of child abuse or neglect, themployee must report the incident. (Penal Code § 11166(a))Facts upon which a reasonable suspicion maarise do not have to have beewitnesseby the employee, but rathecan be learnefrom other sources.

How to Make a Report

To make a report, an employee must contact an appropriate local law enforcement or county child welfare agency, listed below. This legal obligation is not satisfied by making a report of the incident to a supervisor or to the school. An appropriate law enforcement agency may be one of the following:

  • Police or Sheriff’s Department (not including a school district police department or school security department)
  • County of Ventura Human Services Agency:
    • Child Protective Services: 805.654.3200 (24 hour hotline)

You must also complete and submit a Suspected Child Abuse Report 


Additional Information and Resources