The goal of VCCCD Institutional Research is to enrich functions and roles in:
- Supporting district management decision and policy making in enrollment management, planning, academic program review, performance and outcomes assessment and organizational development;
- Developing, evaluating and regularly distributing community demographics information and performance indicators, to help the colleges and the District better understand our students and their needs, and local community demands;
- Assisting in ensuring correct and complete MIS data collection and data submission to the California Community College System Office;
- Coordinating college and District research activities for assessment of college climate and student satisfaction;
- Coordinating research efforts with other community colleges or external agencies in promoting the institutional accountability and institutional effectiveness of the District and colleges;
- Providing data, data analysis and research to meet the District and colleges' needs for academic planning, student learning outcomes assessment, accreditation studies and improvement of institutional effectiveness;
- Assisting and supporting the District and colleges in market research, environmental scanning, peer analysis, total quality management, grant applications and strategic planning; and
- Developing membership and organizational relationships with external educational research entities to ensure comprehensive and collective data and research knowledge;
- Becoming a policy and decision making advocate, information/knowledge management architect and a change agent by providing valuable information through research and project management.
VCCCD 2021-2027 Strategic Goals
During the July 10, 2021 Strategic Planning meeting, the VCCCD Board of Trustees adopted the following VCCCD 2021-2027 Strategic Goals:
- Instill a culture that values diversity, students, our communities, collaboration, and the success of each employee.
- Increase equitable access and success for all students.
- Support the closing of academic achievement and support services equity gaps across all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups.
- Actively support equitable workforce and economic development in Ventura County through partnerships and relevant programs and pathways leads from education to careers.
The 2021 -2027 VCCCD Strategic Goals are in alignment with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Vision For Success Goals.
Dr. Cynthia Herrera
Vice Chancellor, Institutional Effectiveness

Veronica Hardy
Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, Institutional Effectiveness