If you need mental health assistance, please reach out to these local community resources for help. 

College Student Health Centers: Students, please call to set up a free, confidential student consultation with our trained and caring professionals at each college:

Community Resources:

Ventura County Behavioral Health: If you are in need of mental health support and are experiencing severe mental illness symptoms visit their website or call (866) 998-2243.

Ventura County Behavioral Health Substance Abuse Treatment: If you are struggling with an addiction call (844) 385-9200.

Ventura County Mental Health Crisis Team (24/7):  If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis where they might be a danger to themselves or others call (866) 998-2243 or call 911. 

Didi Hirsch 24-hour Suicide Hotline 877-727-4747

USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Tele-Mental Health

Text "Courage" to 741741 for FREE 24/7 for mental health support. 

Veterans Crisis Line (24/7): For veterans and their loved ones. Call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1 or visit veteranscrisisline.net.  

 New Number - Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24/7): If you’re in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, call 988

CrisisText Service: If you or someone you know is experiencing an immediate crisis, text "HEARME" to 839863.

If you need assistance with mental health services, finding food, or healthcare expenses, visit 211.

it's ok to reach out. help happens here.
District Office
Moorpark College
Oxnard College
Ventura College