Professor and Counselor, Retired
Zoom & Teams
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Faculty Chair 2016
Faculty of the Year 2015
Image of Professor Redd

I do not counsel students due to retirement. Please use Starfish to book an appointment with a counselor. I was a Science and Math/STEM-M Counselor and still focus on the following through professional organizations:

STEM-M - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine

Undecided - Exploratory Guided Pathway

National Association for Advisors of the Health Professions (NAAHP/WAAHP)

Dreamers and Justice-Involved

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Ambassador of hope (volunteer)for Shared Hope International for eradicating child and youth sex trafficking

Asian Pacific Career Development Association: Life Time Member

American Counseling Association

  • National Career Development Association
  • Counselors for Social Justice
International Blog for petitioning the United Nations for an International Day of Career and Livelihood:
She, Her, Hers