Project Budgets:

  • 20,852 Gross Square Feet
  • $4.3 Million Project Costs


  • Bond Measure S (Ex. B #49)


  • Design: 03/2005 (Completed)
  • Bid/Award: 08/2005 (Completed)
  • Construction: 12/2007 (Completed)


  • KBZ Architects
Photo of interior of remodeled Student Services Building
Photo of another interior view of remodeled Student Services

Project Objectives & Notable Features:

  • Student Services Center (Bldg. D)
    • Admissions and Records
    • Student Business Office
    • Matriculation
    • Transfer Center
    • Counseling and Student Assessment
    • Middle College Consulting
  • Student Health Center (Bldg. CR)
    • Mental Health Counseling
    • Smoking Cessation
    • Nutritional Counseling
    • Medical Evaluations